Free & Reduced Lunch
The Montour School District has moved to School Café, a new platform for school lunch payments and free and reduced meal benefit applications. All parents should visit to register for an account and add their students. School Café can be accessed from your desktop or on your smartphone through the School Café app. The video link below provides instructions on registering for an account, adding your students, and other helpful information.
Please contact the food service office with any questions or concerns.
*Please note all money in My School Bucks accounts will roll over to School Café. Free or reduced lunch status will also roll over to School Café for the first 30 days of school. After that, you will have to reapply for free/reduced lunch, unless otherwise stated by the district.
Parents: please use School Café to apply for Free and Reduced Meal Benefits online or see paper application below.
ATTENTION: COVID-19 relief packages recently passed by the United States Congress contain numerous benefits for families financially impacted by the pandemic. Some of these benefits are available to students who are eligible for free or reduced-priced school meals.
If you believe your school-aged child(ren) may qualify for free or reduced-price meals this school year and have not yet submitted the application for free or reduced-price meals to the school, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible.
The application then will be used to determine which benefits your child(ren) and/or household may be eligible to receive. Please be aware that applying for free or reduced-price meals will not impact meals that your child(ren) currently receives through the school.