Safety & Security
Security cameras can be found on all buses and throughout the District's facilities.

Parent Text Notifications
Delays and Closings
Inclement Weather
Sometimes when roads become snow covered or icy or temperatures drop to dangerous levels, the District makes the decision to delay or close school. In the event of a delay or closure because of inclement weather, parents/guardians will be notified via SchoolMessenger which allows the District to communicate the important information quickly and efficiently using email, SMS messages, and phone calls. An alert will also be posted on the Montour School District Web page or you can listen to the following radio or TV stations for up to the minute information:
KDKA Radio 1020AM
KQV Radio 1410AM
KDKA Television Channel 2
WTAE Television Channel 4
WPXI Television Channel 11
Every attempt is made to communicate the delay or closure the night before a weather event but if the weather conditions should change unexpectedly overnight, a delay or cancellation will be announced in the morning. The District Administration, Local Police Departments, and Township Road Crews all communicate to determine when a delay or closure is necessary. When the District implements a delay, the school day will begin two hours later than the normally scheduled start time and dismissal will proceed as usual. Snow days, days where the normal operations of the District are cancelled, need to be made up. The Montour School District has accounted for these days by assigning possible snow make up days on the District calendar. This is done by capturing days that were originally scheduled as a day off for students and staff. If we experience a very snowy winter and we exhaust all of the scheduled snow days, than the District will add any additional snow make up days to the end of the school year thus ensuring that the 180 day requirement mandated by the Pennsylvania School Code has been met.
Unforeseen Circumstances
There is always the possibility of an unforeseen emergency which could cause the school to close and make it necessary for all children to be sent home (heating malfunction, water line breaks, sewage problems, weather and road conditions, etc.) This information will also be communicated with parents and guardians through the School Messenger system as well as an alert on the District website. Please discuss with your child some alternate plan which he/she could implement in the event of an emergency closing of the school, when they may be sent home and find that you are not there. Planning ahead for an emergency could alleviate many unforeseen problems. In cases of an extreme emergency, all children may be evacuated to an alternative location.
School Check-In Program
Each building in the Montour School District operates the School Check-In program. When a parent/guardian or any other visitor enters a school they must “Check-In” at the main office by scanning their license at the computer kiosk. A Visitors Badge is then printed out and worn by the visitor.
The School Check-In program:
- Tracks when and why visitors enter and when they left
- Scans visitor driver licenses
- Performs an instant nationwide sex offender search.
- Tracks parent/guardians who have authority to pick up students
- Prints visitor ID badges
- Prints substitute teacher ID badges
Mr. Jerry Waldorf
Director of Safety & Student Residency
[email protected]
Mr. Joshua McDowell
Division Manager of Education for Kellington Protection