Gifted Services

Cindy Caliguire
Teacher, Gifted
412-490-6500 x 2511
Acceleration: The academic needs of the gifted student are met in an instructional setting through a combination of advanced coursework at the high school level, acceleration/ability grouping at the middle level, and flexible at the elementary level.
Secondary Level
Advanced Coursework: Course offerings in the area of Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or College in the High School (CHS) are identified by department in the individual course description. The quality and quantity of work expected from each student is much different than a regular track course. These rigorous and comprehensive courses focus on student research, writing, and higher cognitive skill sets. The involvements of each individual student enrolled in these courses require greater time out of the normal classroom meeting time to complete assignments and studies. The MHS gifted student is encouraged to schedule rigorous/academically challenging course work.
Middle Level
Acceleration/Ability Grouping: The content level classroom teacher’s use of present established curriculum while incorporating selected accelerated components and embracing within the curriculum Bloom’s Taxonomy and Guilford’s Structure of Intellect, convergent, and divergent educational strategies.
Elementary Level
Flexible Grouping: The classroom teacher’s use of student data in relation to present established curriculum to the dynamic grouping of students.
Enrichment: The enrichment needs of the gifted students are provided through the
extra-curricular/co-curricular /apprenticeships/educational seminars, conferences/academic competitions, academic challenges at the secondary level, the co-curricular and support services opportunities at the middle level, and the support services at the elementary level allows for the
gifted student to extend his/her learning beyond the curriculum.
Secondary Level
Extra-Curricular/Co-Curricular/Apprenticeships: wide variety of opportunities for students to participate in extra-curricular offerings sponsored by content level teachers, co-curricular opportunities offered by content level teacher. Apprenticeships, educational seminars, conferences, academic competitions, and academic challenges are made available through the gifted services department to professional staff and students.
Middle Level
Co-Curricular/Support Services: co-curricular opportunities offered by content level teachers. Educational seminars, conferences, academic competitions and academic challenges are made available through the gifted services departments to professional staff and students. The support services are coordinated and facilitated by gifted services personnel in conjunction with classroom teacher.
Elementary Level
Support Services: academic competitions and academic challenges are made available to professional staff and students. The support services are coordinated and facilitated by gifted services personnel in conjunction with the classroom teacher.