Welcome to the Montour School District Health Services webpage. Because every child’s health, safety, and wellness are important to us, we have developed this page to make it easier for you to contact your school nurse, find immunization laws, mandated screening information, and obtain forms for physical and dental exams and medication administration.
Please contact us if your child has special health care needs, requires medication or health treatments during school hours, or has a chronic health condition. Medical Authorization/Tylenol Permission/Emergency Contacts card is sent home each year on the first day of school. Only those persons indicated on the emergency card are permitted to make arrangements for your child’s release from school. Updated information is requested yearly and as necessary during the school year.
The Pennsylvania Department of Public Health and the Pennsylvania School Code require certain mandated health services for all children of school age, regardless of the school setting. See the Mandated School Health Services Chart for included services. Along with the health screenings provided by the nurses, a physical and dental exam needs to be completed in the appropriate grade. You may have the private physician/dentist perform the exam and return the completed forms. If no exam is submitted to the school by the due date posted, with permission, the school practitioner/dentist will perform the exam, free of charge. The parent may be present during the exam. The parent/guardian will be notified of any failed exam/screening. Please return the failed exam/screening report to the school nurse after your child is seen by the their physician.
We serve as a liaison between family, school, and community to ensure a safe and healthy environment that is conducive to learning. The school nurses are always available to answer questions and address parents’ concerns.