Pupil Services
Pupil Services is divided into Special Education, Gifted Education and the following support services:
Social Work, School Counseling, Psychological, Speech and Language, Behavioral Therapy, Vocational and Transitional Services, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Services for the Hearing Impaired, Psychiatric Consultation and Home Schooling.
The Director is in charge of all special instruction and pupil services. The major responsibilities of the director are to facilitate improvement of instruction and service of all special needs learners, to participate in staffing schools, to oversee the identification, program development and program placement services for students who are mandated as special education, and to administer compliance with State and Federal regulations.
Dr. Bob Isherwood (Keystone Consulting)
412-490-6500 x6102
Cindy Caliguire
(Linda Weaver)
Teacher, Gifted
412-490-6500 x2511
School Psychologists
Mr. Matt Williams
412-490-6500 ext. 2601
Dr. Rick Kapusta
412-489-8300 ext. 4318
School Psychologist / Behavior Specialist
Social Worker
Ms. Kara Valecko
412-490-6500 ext. 1605
Kym Macek
412-771-3772 ext. 2604
Transition Coordinator
Kris Eichner
412-490-6500 ext. 6103
High School Guidance
David E. Williams Guidance
Grade 7 - Mrs. Danielle Langdon
412-771-8802 x2602
Grade 8 - Mrs. Andrea Verdream
412-771-8802 x2604
Grade 6 Shared:
Mrs. Danielle Langdon (A-H) contact info above
Mrs. Andrea Verdream (I-P) contact info above
Ms. Emily Rusnak (Q-Z) contact info above
Mr. Ryan Klingensmith
412-771-8802 x2606
Montour Elementary School Guidance
Mr. Dustin Kerr
Counselor ext. 4316